
An interface is provided to send email notifications out to whomever you choose.

plain text email
>>> from pyqalx import QalxSession()
>>> qalx = QalxSession()

>>> qalx.notification.add(subject="My notification subject",
>>>                       to=[""],
>>>                       message="My notification message")

You can also take advantage of the optional cc and bcc fields. You can even send HTML emails which will be sent as multipart/alternative. Meaning that email clients that don’t support HTML will receive a text representation of your email.

HTML email with cc and bcc
>>> from pyqalx import QalxSession()
>>> qalx = QalxSession()

>>> qalx.notification.add(subject="My notification subject",
>>>                       to=[""],
>>>                       cc=[""],
>>>                       bcc=[""],
>>>                       message="<html><h1>My notification message</h1></html>")

You can even send notifications from any bot step function. This means you can easily notify users when a bot completes a job or if it errors during processing.

Sending a notification from a bot
>>> from pyqalx import Bot
>>> bot = Bot(bot_name='my-bot-name')
>>> @bot.process
>>> def process_func(job):
>>>     job.session.notification.add(subject="My notification subject",
>>>                                  to=[""],
>>>                                  message="My notification message")