
Listed here are limitations of the system. If you run into any of these limitations consider modifying your data structure.

Rate Limit

qalx limits the number of requests that can be made on a per TOKEN basis. The rate limit is decided by your account type. Please contact us for further details. Any requests that respond with a HTTP 429 status code will wait for a random increasing windowed period of time before trying again. A warning will be written to the logs when this happens.

How to prevent this issue

Don’t perform multiple API calls in loops, use efficient querying to keep the number of API requests down.

Maximum request size

The maximum request size that the API can handle is 10MB. This limit is purely the size of the request sent to the API. This limit is not a limit on the size of files that can be added to the API. The limit for single files is 5TB

How to prevent this issue

This issue will most likely occur when tring to add large entities or if you are trying to create an extremely complex query. To prevent this, try creating smaller entities or creating them in batches, or simplify your query.

Maximum size of entity

The maximum size of any entity in qalx is 16MB.

How to prevent this issue

Split large entities up into multiple smaller entities. Consider splitting large Item entities up into Set entities.