Command Line Interface

The recommended way to interface with bots is to use the command line interface. This should have been installed when you installed pyqalx. If this has worked correctly, you should be able to type qalx and get a response like:

Usage: qalx [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...

  Command line interface to qalx.

  -u, --user-profile TEXT  User profile name in .qalx.
  -b, --bot-profile TEXT   Bot profile name in .bots.
  --version                Show the version and exit.
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

  bot-info             Print info about the bot named NAME.
  bot-resume           Resume the bot named NAME.
  bot-start            Start the bot at TARGET This is the import path with...
  bot-stop             Stop the bot named NAME.
  bot-terminate        Shutdown the bot named NAME
  configure            Configures the .qalx and .bots config files.
  download             Downloads a file for the specified entity type and...
  factory-build        Build a factory
  factory-demolish     Demolish a factory.
  factory-info         Get info about a factory
  factory-pack         Pack a factory
  factory-validate     Validate a factory
  generate-encryption  Generates an encryption key file for the user prints...
  workers-terminate    Terminate NUMBER of workers on bot named BOT_NAME.

Calling qalx COMMAND --help for any command will show the help for that command.


User Profiles and Bot Profiles

All commands accept an optional –bot-profile (short code -b) and –user-profile (short code -u) arguments. These arguments can be used if you with to perform any command using a different profile from your .qalx or .bots profile configuration files

Running a qalx command using the dev user profile and prod bot profile
$ qalx --user-profile=dev --bot-profile=prod <command>



You wish to configure a new profile in your .qalx or .bots profile. The configure command will ask various questions when setting up new configs. You can supply extra config options to write to your config files.


You cannot use the configure command to change the configuration of an existing profile

Configure a new profile for .qalx and .bots
$ qalx --user-profile=new --bot-profile=new configure
Configure a new profile and provide arguments for config options
$ qalx --user-profile=new --bot-profile=new configure LOGGING_LEVEL=DEBUG MSG_BLACKOUTSECONDS=50


You wish to download a file directly to disk. The download directory can be specified by the DOWNLOAD_DIR config option or via the –directory argument

Download an item with a guid of ‘a0deb618-8464-4869-bd72-85d34d414142’ to disk
$ qalx download a0deb618-8464-4869-bd72-85d34d414142

Generate Encryption:

You wish to generate a new encryption key to use when uploading files. This encryption key will remain on your local filesystem and will not be uploaded to qalx. It enables any upload to qalx to be encrypted before upload and then decrypted transparently after download. Any user wishing to decrypt files that have been encrypted will need to have access to the encryption key. The command will ask various questions when generating the encryption key

Generates a new encryption key
$ qalx generate-encryption


Commands for interacting with bots. See bots documentation for more info on bots

Start a bot:

You have written a bot and wish to start running it.

Starting the example bot with a single worker process
$ qalx bot-start --queue-name "beam calcs"
Starting Beam stress calculator d2a089 reading from beam calcs with 1 workers.

Stop a bot:

You wish to temporarily stop your bot from reading messages from the queue. The bot will finish any jobs that it is currently working on, but not take any more messages off the queue until it is resumed.

Stopping the bot named Beam stress calculator d2a089
$ qalx bot-stop "Beam stress calculator d2a089"
Stopping Beam stress calculator d2a089.

Resume a bot:

You want your bot to resume reading messages from the queue.

Resuming the bot named Beam stress calculator d2a089
$ qalx bot-resume "Beam stress calculator d2a089"
Resuming Beam stress calculator d2a089.

Terminate a bot:

You are finished with your bot and want to stop it from ever processing messages from the queue.

Terminate the bot named Beam stress calculator d2a089
$ qalx bot-terminate "Beam stress calculator d2a089"
Terminated Beam stress calculator d2a089

Get info on a bot:

Prints out information about the named bot including its name, it’s current status, the number of workers and where it is running

Get info on the bot named Beam stress calculator d2a089
$ qalx bot-info "Beam stress calculator d2a089"
  Index  Name                           Status    Platform                   Node         No. Workers  Created On (UTC)       Created By
  -----  -----------------------------  --------  -------------------------  -----------  -------------  -------------------  --------------------
  1      Beam stress calculator d2a089            Windows-10-10.0.14393-SP0  DN-98ABC123             94  23/07/2019 17:40:28
  2      Beam stress calculator d2a089            Windows-10-10.0.14393-SP0  AB-IKWAW928             12  25/09/2019 17:40:28

Terminate a number of workers:

You want to terminate a specific number of workers on this bot. This is useful if you wish to downsize the bot to use fewer resources. Termination of workers will occur immediately - even if they are still working on jobs

Terminate 5 workers on Beam stress calculator d2a089
$ qalx workers-terminate "Beam stress calculator d2a089" 5
Terminated worker 1
Terminated worker 2
Terminated worker 3
Terminated worker 4
Terminated worker 5


Commands for interacting with factories. See factories documentation for more info on factories

Validate a factory plan

Validates that the given factory plan is formatted correctly

Validate the plan at /path/to/factory-plan.yaml is formatted correctly
$ qalx factory-validate --plan /path/to/factory-plan.yaml
[2020-10-06 15:20:57] pyqalx:    Starting Factory Validation
[2020-10-06 15:20:57] pyqalx:    Factory Validation Successful

Pack a factory

Downloads all bot sources on a factory to validate that they are all accessible before building

Packs the factory at /path/to/factory-plan.yaml
$ qalx factory-pack --plan /path/to/factory-plan.yaml
[2020-10-06 15:22:56] pyqalx:    Starting Factory Pack
[2020-10-06 15:22:56] pyqalx:    Starting Factory Validation
[2020-10-06 15:22:56] pyqalx:    Factory Validation Successful
 ....lots of information about the sources that are being packed
[2020-10-06 15:58:56] pyqalx:    Factory Pack Successful

Build a factory

Builds a factory and starts running all the bots

Builds the factory at /path/to/factory-plan.yaml for the dev stage
$ qalx factory-build --plan /path/to/factory-plan.yaml --stage=dev
[2020-10-06 15:22:56] pyqalx:    Starting Factory Build
[2020-10-06 15:22:56] pyqalx:    Starting Factory Validation
[2020-10-06 15:22:56] pyqalx:    Factory Validation Successful
[2020-10-06 15:22:56] pyqalx:    Starting Factory Pack
 ....lots of information about the sources that are being packed
[2020-10-06 15:58:56] pyqalx:    Factory Pack Successful
 ....lots of information about the factory that is being built
[2020-10-06 15:59:56] pyqalx:    Factory Build Successful

Demolish a factory

Demolishes a factory, terminating all bots and deleting all resources. Any data created by bots that were running on the factory will remain

Demolishs the factory named “my-factory”
$ qalx factory-demolish --name="my-factory"
Are you sure you want to demolish factory: test b2c4626d-c97f-424a-950f-dd6970be6fc2? [y/N]: y
[2020-10-06 15:29:49] pyqalx:    Starting Factory Demolish
 ...lots of information about the resources getting deleted
[2020-10-06 15:35:49] pyqalx:    Factory Demolish Successful